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About Us

Trust us when we say that we are so much more than you think…


We are a private fitness studio that ordinary people join up to, they come to a session and an hour later leave as a friend with a smile on their face.


We are a place of respite from the stressors of life, a place where our members can laugh together, cry together, form life-long bonds together.


We are a place where we not only look after your physical health but we consider your deep-health at every touch point: your mental health, your relational heath, your existential health.


We help you work towards your goals, but also towards goals you didn’t know you wanted to achieve.


We aren’t a gym that provides the perfect service for the few hours of sessions you are looking for, we become part of your life (in all the best ways!) and once you become part of our community you’ll never want to leave!

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